
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Flush Away Your Ennui

To my fellow Plan II Students,

Do you ever feel trapped? Do your days pass by like an unmemorable blur? Do you regret using the same toilet day after day? Then you, my dear peer, should change your routines and perhaps forget your commitment to habit altogether.
Some thrive on routines. I see the same gang of students at the same times in the Plan II office, week after week. They’re doing course work, socializing pleasantly and providing faces with which to say ‘Hey’ and ‘See ya later’ as I arrive to print and then sprint to class.
Yet, I do not envy the human fixtures in the office or ‘regulars’ anywhere (except maybe bars). No, I prefer to see something new everyday and agree with the late essayist Christopher Hitchens’ mother who told her son, “the only unforgivable sin is to be boring.”
So as to stave off that sin, I sit in a different seat every time my classes meet, I rarely study in the same place twice, and I seek uncharted bathroom stalls when nature calls. This habitual avoidance of habit has immeasurably enriched my liberal arts education. I now know the spectrum of annoyance that displacing my classmates can provoke. I now know where to find the prettiest women to look up from my Locke or Descartes at. I now know where I may, in solitude, looking out on a scenic view, and sitting on a clean toilet, move my bowels on campus. Indeed, after three years of rigorous study, I am well qualified to teach a junior seminar to be titled “The Aesthetics and Contemplative Significance of Men’s Rooms at Public Universities in the Early 21st Century.”
Therefore, I beg you, kind colleagues, to follow in my inconsistent footsteps. Walk without rhythm and flush your ennui down new drains.


Sam Liebl

Monday, March 26, 2012

What it's like to be dating Mr. Plan II

Alright, people. Let's be honest: Sam Liebl is a stud. Everyone can appreciate his sculpted legs, his penchant for debate, and his right eye, which squints ever so slightly more than the left one when he smiles. So when Sam volunteered himself to compete in this year's Mr. Plan II competition, I naturally assumed he would win - both because we're attached at the hip and because, I mean, just look at him. 

For those who don't know, Mr. Plan II is P2SA's annual male beauty pageant, an event that honors the manliest and most talented guys among us. With his win, Sam has joined the ranks of such illustrious figures as Dylan "I won $20,000 for my thesis" Bumford, James "Hot Catholic" VanMatre, and David "Caligula" Fisher.  Past competitions have included dogs (way to go, Kevin Vermillion), bodysuits, full drag, banjoes, booties, and more. Under the scrutiny of a panel of P2 staff judges, which this year included Director Michael Stoff, Associate Director Alexandra Wettlaufer, Alumni Coordinator Phillip Dubov, Office Manager Elsie Rebolloso, Admissions Director Jennifer Scalora, and Academic Advisor Mary Dillman, the this year's competitors strutted their stuff in a dance, formalwear, swimwear, a talent, and an interview.

When we arrived at the Black Box Theatre before the event, I sighed. Sam had some pretty tough competition. I mean, the lanky, luxurious Edgar Walters was there. With TWO female escorts - Elyssa Klann and Jenny Kutner - who were looking pretty intimidating in their Orange Jackets attire. Bespectacled, quiet artistic type Russell Beaumont and his escort, the inimitable Courtney Lee, were planning hilarious-sounding gags. Goofy Naveen Pattisapu tuned his guitar. Famous Facebook-obsessed freshman Krit Mankhali folded his hands and looked like he didn't give a damn. 

How was Sam going to beat these boys?! I'll be honest: he did a great job showing off his tush in a speedo, and he certainly wooed Jennifer Scalora with a collection of sexy Shakespearean monologues. But I thought it was totally over a few times - when, for example, Russell walked out for formalwear in a "Canadian Tuxedo" - all denim - and presented Courtney with a denim rose. Or when Edgar rocked out on piano to a song he wrote himself about our glorious honors program (see a recorded version here: The audience gave Edgar a standing ovation.

In the end, Sam did win the crown, with Edgar and Russell coming in second and third places, respectively. And all the other boys fought a good fight, with some excellent improvised ribbon dancing from Ben Johnson and Loktao Shing, a delightful impromptu speech from Krit, and the most delicate "Blackbird" ever from Naveen. (Have I forgotten anyone?!) 

You might ask how Sam's life has changed since winning the crown. Honestly...I don't think it has. But I sure am proud of him, and his name'll show up on that plaque in the Plan II office pretty soon. And in the end, we were all just thrilled to put on a good show and celebrate our honors program. It's pretty sweet to be dating Mr. Plan II, but it's even sweeter just to be dating Sam Liebl. 

(cue sounds of awe and disgust)
xoxo Jillian Owens

Thursday, March 8, 2012

On Hair Maintenance

Hair maintenance should not be left to chance, nor to brand indecision. I recommend, for your own sanity and well being, a sense of brand loyalty. It will make your trips to the store much easier. One must weigh equally cost and quality. Unlikely bedfellows, they. Over the course of my travels, I have decided upon Garnier Fructis. It comes in a festive green package, and is priced at approximately $4.00 per bottle. A true bargain, in the opinion of Your Humble Narrator. Right. You'll also want to consider the leave-in conditioner. It is well-worth the additional $2.00. A resilient, wide-tooth comb is the next necessity. Hair should be combed while wet, lightly towel-dried, and then combed once more. Ancient guru wisdom. Which brings me, incidentally, to sandals. The perennial question, it seems, is toe-strap or no toe-strap. Many otherwise-productive hours have been squandered over this matter. Though the absence of a toe strap does invite the possibility of the classic wool-sock-sandal combination, it leaves one with the unpleasant responsibility of pressing down the big toe at each step. This problem is easily solved by the presence of the toe-strap. Ultimately, the comfort and ease provided by the strap outweigh the marginal stylistic benefits of wearing socks with sandals. Q.E.D.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Courtney's Birthday Weekend!

Can’t wait to celebrate my 22nd birthday in the greatest city of all time. The weatherwoman has cleared the skies, and there are a handful of things I’d like to do that will not fit into 1 day. Thus, it’s Courtney Week, más o menos. Behold, the list:
Places to eat
  • Julio’s for breakfast migas and mimosas
  • Barley Swine for a swanky dinner:
  • Frank for a souped up hot dog and a palette cleansing beer
  • Din Ho for my favorite Chinese food in Austin
  • Justine’s for a fine, classy evening of pretentiously delightful French food and wine
  • Friendship potluck
  • Friendship picnic at Auditorium Shores
  • Friendship cinematic experience at Violet Crown
  • Friendship night out on the town (east 6th, dirty 6th, Rainey Street, or all of the above)
  • Jazzy-sassy friendship concert:
Note: the word “friendship” indicates copious amounts of laughter, handholding, hugging, and general tomfoolery.
Last college birthday. Going to do it right. A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va a acabar.

Courtney Lee

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Night of the Living Dead Voltaire's Cinema

On Thursday, October 27th, about 30 zombie Plan II students showed up to watch the classic horror film Night of the Living Dead. Matt Valentine, Joynes Room Program Coordinator, creative writing professor, and zombie enthusiast, gave a brief history of zombies and how the film defined the zombie genre. The living dead in attendance munched on pizza and brains while they watched.

-Richard Griffin and Sam Liebl
Academics co-chairs, P2SA